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In traditional companies dreamers serve planners.

Theories of Change plus scientific research allow planners to serve the visionary leaders imagining the sustainable future of finance.


We help clients to develop blue ocean products to advance sustainable investment. We use data driven business intelligence to enable decision making for sustainability, for Industry 4.0 services and servitization, and new financial products. Our top notch scientific series published by Springer Palgrave MacMillan proves our avantgarde thinking and implementing approach.


You want to transform your company and reach a higher level of sustainability?

We provide EU Taxonomy Compliance opinion for all asset managers and some product developers in the green bonds domain. We advise you on antifragility. You want to stay in the top quantile of your industry through sustainable innovation? We are your partner.


In this training course, you become a Sustainable Finance Practitioner. Karen Wendt  and Bernd Villhauer lead you through the learning process. They will teach you how to align business models with Sustainable Development Goals. 

Start nowhttps://iversity.org/de/courses/sustainable-finance?r=02afa

Sustainable Finance

Sustainable Finance is a business intelligence driven organization helping you in data driven decision making based on your vision of sustainability. We help you to develop your theory of change and your blue ocean product.

The ecosystems

We provide advisory on how to create your ecosystem for the Industry 4.0 future and how to be in control of the capital streams, all while paving the way toward an integrally sustainable future.

Conflict of Interest Resolver

Is there a way to ensure that the nascent impact market stays healthy as a whole, even if individual impact investments struggle? As impact investing is the confluence of innovation, social entrepreneurship and investing.


You want to learn more about sustainability, open banking, ecosystems or theories of change?

Competent Sustainable and Award Winning

Munich Prestige Winners Banner


Here we provide you with a fine selection of articles form our book series.

A new vision of money?

We are living in times of change and the winds of change are clearly blowing. And we have to decide, do we want to build walls or windmills? Karen Wendt on digitization, digital assets, blockchain and tokenization. Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity appear to be the new normal in our lives. The American military calls […]

sign up as a client of sustainable finance

WE ARE THE DRIVING FORCES IN CREATING A WORD-CLASS SYSTEM AND NETWORK FOR SDG transformation and service our clients with theories of change and a wide range of other products.


members and develop the ecosystem and members


non binding strategic advice


valuable research, content and insights


expanding membership, Projects FAQ

Educate and Share

Coaching, Training Conflicts of Interests Resolver


Switzerland as a global FinTech hub


for solutions witch address the issues


Our Team

Our teams enables your vision


Students have the opportunity to volunteer in a variety of roles.


Want to give back

Sustainable Finance

Sustainable Finance And Sdg Economics Series
Sustainable Finance is a concise and authoritative reference series linking research and practice. It provides reliable concepts and research findings in the ever growing field of sustainable investing…

Sustainable Finance

Economics Reinvented
As the essential building blocks of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an opportunity for global introspection and socio-ecological…

Sustainable Finance

Investment Reinvented
A Springer Publishing Anthology – Part of the Book Series Sustainable Finance and SDG Economics ©- Series Editors Karen Wendt and Prof. Margarethe Rammerstorfer © ISBN 978-3-319-69766-6…

Sustainable Finance

Mediation Reinvented
A chance to quit problem knowledge , focus on target knowledge and develop transformation knowledge The link to alternative approaches Methods and tools to change economy…

Sustainable Finance

Entrepreneurship Reinventes
More than ever, today’s entrepreneurs are striving to build business es that make a difference in the world. Businesses that make money — but pursue a path greater than just profit. People, planet…

Sustainable Finance

FinTech Reinvented
A chance to quit problem knowledge , focus on target knowledge and develop transformation knowledge and enable diversity The link to alternative approaches Methods and tools…

Sustainable Finance

Leadership Reinvented
A chance to quit problem knowledge , focus on target knowledge, develop transformation knowledge and blue ocean strategies enable diversity The link to alternative approaches …

Sustainable Finance

Theories of Change
The link to alternative approaches Methods and tools to change economy and business and align with the Sustainable Development Goals in cooperation with Eccoscience.ch…

Our Management Team

Karen Wendt Editor for Sustainable Finance
Karen Wendt SF

Sustainable Finance
Stefan Klotz Porträt

Sustainable Finance
David Wendt

Sustainable Finance
Leon Wendt

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